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Kalmah 1999 "Svieri Obraza"

1. Hades

Holding the candle in my arms
I'm kneeling down to the altar
Waiting the call from my master
Soon will weight my soul

In the final scale I see my remains
Red dying flower the pan falls down
I see Anubis, ancient judge of fathers
Won't take my rose - falling away
Into hades

I have atomed
Now I'm waiting
Waiting the call
Chance to reborn

Crawling on the ground darkness around
Searching for the light that guides me home
Into my cosmic face never shines the day
Cannot reach out - prisoner of gods
In hades

Turn into blood
Rage of sin
Turn into blood
This is hades

2. The Blind Leader

A man -highest in rank
Always commands
Obeys the will
Of the mighty word

Wealth is all he wants to reach
Don' t give a damn to our land

He cannot see what is happening in our world
Our system falls by his hand
Conqueror' s end

With toxic waste master creates
Catastrophies that lead to the end

A biowar man never can win
Technology his only reward


Twisted creation of mankind


3. Vezi Doroga

Теги: Kalmah, Death Metal, лирика песен, тексты песен, lyrics, 1999

Категория: K | Добавил: Dark-Ness (15.02.2010)
Просмотров: 434 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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