A god is born and others die. What is Has neither come nor gone, but error moves. Today we have exchanged eternities And what is past no novelty improves.
Blind knowledge is working at useless ground And crazy faith is living the dream of its liturgy A new god is a word - or the mere sound Don't seek and don't trust, for all is mystery.
4. Blinded By Blood
You are From the heart Of it all
The light From the love In the night
The sight From the white In the eye
Crying From the inside The fear
In the face From the mother The grace
The river From the blood Of the world
You become From the two The thousands
My little one From the earth It all ends
5. It Is Not Sound
For the record
No one will understand What it is all about
The dead name Backwards
It just happened A long time ago
33 years
Again and again and again What is it all about
It is a promise Of a lifetime
Never recorded
6. The Truth
It is the two
They turn the pages Of the same book
It means nothing to them
The pages turned by the one Is turned back by the other
It is the truth
They know it by heart By the nothing inside it
It is nothing inside it
The book is the heart of them The book is the heart of them