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Satyricon 1993 "Dark Medieval Times"

1. Walk The Path Of Sorrow

In the Devoid of Sorrow
The Air and my Heart full of Luster

Behind the Mountains
Blasphemy to the Gates

Right passed easy Talk
We can once again walk the Path of Sorrow
Let the Turn of Search bring you away


Two Shades of the Midnight Fire
In the Night Sky
You waiting Child walk with me
Walk by Side of Fall
The Essence to open those Gates
And still we must walk the Path of Sorrow

2. Dark Medieval Times

The secret Lights in the Sky
All one
It seems

The Blades are sharpened
They will all learn
Yes, Destroy your Dream
Your Desert of Dreams
It's undeserved
For Dark Medieval Times

Here, upon the Hill
You all find Wisdom

Waiting for a lot of
Endless screaming


Desert of Dreams
Eternity in your Dreams
Here you are
Dark Medieval Times

3. Skyggedans (Shadowdance)

4. Min Hyllest Til Vinterland (My Tribute To The Winterland)

5. Into The Mighty Forest

As I walk
With a Spirit
Into the binding Forest

In Fog and Darkness
I walk
I disappear
Into the mighty Forest

It's beyond the sweet
And tainted Landscapes
The Shadow walking

Your Sanctity
Soughts the Story
Of Generations


6. The Dark Castle In The Deep Forest

Dark Forest Trees over the Funeral,
All day the Army ride
They moved in deeper
So Dark that they weren't even...
Too lead us passed this wicked Dense
I can fell the Presence of the Shadowthrone in the deepest Dark
When cold Winds Freeze
When Night came and dark Fog came over me
Let that Horde come to me
As they walk right by
When all the Death is near
I wander eternally
Invincible Fog is near
We walk the Fields of War
The Cloak of the Moon it can slip all them through
And the Flame is the Wrath of his Sword

7. Taakeslottet (The Fogcastle)

Теги: 1993, true black metal, Satyricon

Категория: S | Добавил: Dark-Ness (03.08.2009)
Просмотров: 574 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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