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Penumbra 2002 "The Last Bewitchment"

1. Neutral

I was trying to sweep away all my desires,
I threw out emotions, my emotions
Just to live in neutrality cause I know
you only came to leave me, you leave me
You've already turned back
and left me in this way,
you don't want to believe, to believe me
I've already turned back
and left you in this way,
I don't want to believe, to believe you

So you are far away,
each step that you make takes me away,
you don't want to trust me,
you can't trust me
So I am far away,
each step that I make takes you far away,
I don't want to trust you, I can't trust you
Love is a ruler... Bells never ring for us,
that's what we feel,
living apart is the better way
Can I feel something ? Something...
Why our souls are so dry
and our hearts beat so slowly ?

2. Priestess Of My Dreams

Oh, priestess of my dreams,
when under the April moon you appeared
Stealing my soul and my thoughts,
I could have loved to taste your lips

Oh, priestess of my dreams
Ho, this dark mysterious voice
is coming out of the night to me
My soul's trembling from flurry
and desire attempting to find happiness

I felt this mighty love which
from the earth up to the sky
Was breaking the chains of the unhappys,
through time and space

The light on your sweet face,
lightened your heavenly eyes
That through fine tears attest
the purity of my message

The light wind in your hair
makes it dances in this divine melody
Which is singing in my ear to embrace you,
to deliver you
To embrace you, to deliver you,
the wind is dancing in my brain
It's singing in my ear, to embrace you,
to deliver you

3. The Last Bewitchment

Body lies on the floor
Very sick complexion
Movements drive your lips
No more words and no more breath

I can feel my tears
Running on my cheeks
I can feel my reason
Leaving my body

I can feel spirits
Turning above me
My will is not very powerful
And my consciousness is fading out

To a world of dreams and grief
To the world of no return
With my ultimate forces

To life I cross the door
I wake up in your arms
But I can't move
Pallid eyes, stare away
Soul jammed, between two worlds

A lot of bewitch cries
In an infernal circle
This light I can touch
It's the way of return

This ligth is going out
To the world of no return
I stand as a wolf
Trying to break the spell
Your soul's in time

Lastly your gaze at me
You in your dreams you are lost
And all these silent questions
I will not answer
Cause they suggest your fall

4. Moaning On Earth

His tears are running in the fire ,
whose flames are burning his eyes
He's running on some dusty waves believing
He can't reach the sea,
lost in silent Height invaded
With a steaming mist and by the wind,
swept away
Sad ephemeral creature,
moaning on earth
His sight gets lost on those immensities

Do you hear the echo of my terrified voice ?
Do you hear the echo lost and despaired ?
Do you hear the sea screaming its distress ?
Do you hear the sea facing my sadness ?

His consciousness suddenly realizing
After the peak, the end of humankind,
for ever
Never more tremble faced
with devils disguised in traitor angels
Moving me away of my body sliding on the floor
With my wings ripped by these mortal feeling,
ho I hear some bells ring
In the distance, is it the time of my destiny?
Phantasmagoric monsters
in a crazy dance fascinate me
Enchanting me,
I've buried my dreams in this oblivion field

5. Insurection

He implores all of you,
he kneels before you,
Let this being outside
of your rage and your hits
He proclaims himself: < Holy Knight >

When he opened his trembling arms,
freeing himself of the oppression
Which gripped him,
he saw the rising spirits around him
I implore all of you, I kneel before you,
before you

Cause it's against you, brothers, I will fight
I'll fight for having desecrated the flesh,
the flesh
Of the being for whom I live
For whom I'm ready to die
Under an unexplained spell,
he moved forward
To the illuminated candled altar,
he fused with the hot magic wax
And when, slowly, he consumed himself,
human life leaving him

A being for whom I live
A being for whom I'm ready to die

6. Testament

Anger, despair and tears guide
My hands upon this parchment
My torments will stop now
Because my destiny, I master

No one lays down his arms
The next day always comes
I only can live without it
Or die in betrayal

My will is weakened and
I am a wretched fighter
My consciousness slowly
Fades away to a world of no return

But our love is eternal
It shines of a blinding light
It will continue to reign
Within me after my death

I don't want their pity
Nor your tears
The way out of suffering
Is the only flame which drives me

I leave no heir
I destroy all that I was
I take away in silence
All these armies in abyss

Make the truce now begin
Of this war I banish
I feel the cold reaching you
This way an episode ends

The one of your life
For my spirit to join you.
In this waves of loud noises
And you will wait, Oh my love

7. The Young Martyr

I remember
Your heavenly face underwater
Admiring its whiteness
Under the moon rays
And the life going out
Of your magnificent wounds
Wraps up of red your naked flesh

On your pearly nails, the subdued light
Gleam under water in a deep silence
And your veins, in a complexe network
Draw on your skin tree roots

You who sleep for ever
In your cold shroud
Shall the disgrace fall on
Your holy misfortune

Which sentences for its crime
Your suicided spirit
And puts on its face
An accusing appearance

You, who sleep for ever
In your cold shroud
Shall the disgrace fall on
Your holy misfortune

Your dark hair, as an oil slick
Stays on the surface, refusing to sink
It tries to make believe of a last hope
It dances on the waves, unlifed, unlifed

8. A Torrent Of Fears

As a sad face
Sailing and slides
In a bright ocean
Pursing a kind life
Under a flapping rain
Of steam of mist

And in this bar
He fails and drinks
And in this burning
Alcohol he sinks down
Forgetting his misfortune,
His anxiety and his fear

Il entre dans l'all©e royale,
D©fie ses sujets,
prend la timbale d'or
Le sceptre et la couronne,
Il se sert, se bat et ordonne

Flames are falling in his brain
Of enlightened madman.

Et maintenant
il entre dans la danse des siЁcles,
Et d'un pouvoir immense,
il rЁgne sur tous ces esprits
Tremblants au regard si vide,
pauvre peuple oubli©

Dans sa folie de l'ordre
qui le mЁne la mort,
Telle une horde avan§ant,
Se heurtant et coups de poings,

From a leftover smoke
from a candle put out
A torrent of fears shakes him
despite his laugh that rings
As an old bell out of tune
and empty in the whistling wind,
A light tune on the reef
and he sniggers like this reptile
Which is strutting in this marsh
where wise men get bogged

9. Pie Jesu

Pie Jesu domine
Dona eis requiem
Dies irae dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla
Teste David cum Sybilla
Tuba mirum spargen sonum
Per sepulcra regionum
Coget omnes ante thronum
Liber scriptus proferetur
In quo totum continetur
Unde mundus Judicetur
Rex Tremendae majestetis
Flammis accribu addictis
Voca me cum benedictis
Oro supplex et acclinis
Cor contritum quasi cinis
Gere curan mei finis
Lacrimosa dies illa
Qua resurget ex favilla
Judicandos homo reus
Huic ergo perce deus
Pie jesu dona eis requiem

Теги: Penumbra, Gothic Metal, 2002

Категория: P | Добавил: Dark-Ness (23.07.2009)
Просмотров: 587 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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