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Peccatum 2000 "Amor Fati"

1. One Play. No Script.

Life is floating
Passing me by

Sometimes I try to reach for it;
Sometimes I do not care

Destiny, I was set to cross
I only see the paths walked
Yet, as new images emerge
I look ahead
Playing Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde;
One foot in the stream
One in control;
Sometimes I don't care

Life is floating
Passing me by

Sometimes I try to reach for it;
Sometimes I do not care

Earth, I was placed upon
I see society; and Them

Yet, as I am here anyway
I look around
But as things grow too big or too small
I fall
I find
Sometimes I try to reach for it

Life is floating
Passing me by

Sometimes I try to reach for it;
Sometimes I do not care

2. No Title For A Cause

As I am chained to Earth
I float on a leash
As I am chained to myself
I drift in solitude
Far off and close are my next
Like them I walk alone

One dimension; or many?
Is my dream alive
Or life a dream
Oh, I envy your answers

One truth; or many? If any

Are all leashes as tight as mine
Or am I just a rebel?
Where is then my fight?
Release my powers of solitude
Keep them as a shield
Unlike society I drift alone

One truth; or many? If any

3. Murder

Hear me speak!
As I am the master of one tongue
The thorn in your eye
The mirror of your soul
Unmerciful be the truth

Change is near
Change is here
I must fly
I must drown

There is no once upon a time
It is THE time
To rip apart the blindfold
And view the circle of shame

Bizarre, grotesque
Yet embraced
By those inside
Stones thrown
Fallen ones kicked
Searchers pulled down
A circle fed on lies

Change is near
Change is here
I must fly
I must drown

Insiders in; Outsiders out
Strait-jacket given birth
Dreams killed
First degree murder
And so Thou shalt be condemned

4. A Game Divine?

I can not but to love my destiny
I can not but to cherish my fate
I can not but to accept and worship
The fatal immortality
Of the circular pact

A game divine it seems
I deny this theory of chance
Yet, what control?

Searched for
Craved for
Found and captured
Held into the fires ever burning

Yet, grim is the face of Fortuna
In her incomprehensive ways
Fierce are the truths and lies
That fell beyond her grace

And grim are the faces we pull
In those few moments of sight
Fierce are the horrors revealed
By the scorching, merciless light

I can not love their destiny
I can not cherish their fate
I can not accept the fatal line
The theory of chance
Beyond grace

A game divine it seems
I deny this theory of chance
Yet, what control?

Even she must face the mirror
Even I must face myself

It might just be fate

5. (untitled)


6. Rise, Ye Humans

Maybe one of the reasons why humans
are floating away from humanity
is their misinterpreted crusade of working
for themselves opposed to working
and searching within themselves.

The past
The judge
Oh, ye humans
Grieve, grieve
For your lost humanity

Oh, ye humans with your shallow talk
and pointed fingers continue to sleep
with your enemies and sink even deeper
into hypocrisy until you crawl away
into a new day where no species
are to be called human beings.

The past
The judge
Oh, my fellow species
Search, search
For your lost humanity

Crawl humans

7. Between The Living And The Dead

It grew from air
With a leaf's despair
Left behind deadline

The language of sanity rejected
In faith and for no visible purpose
Seeking further;
Seeking further
Into the pit named a soul

This subtle call
This seduction
This mind game
Is preparing your fall

Thoughts transformed
Into whispering voices
Alluring you to cross the border
Where no return alone
Can manage to get you home

This naked scenery;
Arms grasping for your throat
Yet, you dance and fade

8. (untitled)


9. The Watchers Mass (Part 1)

There was an ancient belief
The wind could speak to human ears

Once a story was captured
By whom no one remembers now

Revelation 7 speaks of the four angels
The keepers of the four winds

They were set to keep
They were set to guard

10. The Watchers Mass (Part 2)

The watchers; Those who fell

They were set to be
The watchers
Their duty was to instruct
The children of men

Some angels came too close
To their task: mankind
They descended to earth;
Found its daughters to becoming
Thus condemned
And fallen angels they became

Right side was no longer their place
Nor were they placed on the left
half divined by birth
half evil by their sin
They were renamed half-casts

Unlike men their halves did not mingle
But stayed there side by side
Pure -- untouched
Carriers of sorrow

They bred with humans
Thus, their tale never ends
Glowing; pure and cursed
They still chose the earth over again

Теги: Black Metal, Peccatum, avantgarde, 2000

Категория: P | Добавил: Dark-Ness (20.07.2009)
Просмотров: 548 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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