Oh, il est tombe! Mais, qu'est-ce qu'il a? [Oh, he's fallen down! But what's wrong with him?] Saint vierge! Au secours! [Blessed Virgin! Help!] Venez! Venez! Venez! [Come! Come! Come!]
C'est la peste! C'est la peste! [It's pestilence! It's pestilence!] Sauve qui peut! Sauve qui peut! [Run for cover! Run for cover!]
Dominus vobiscum [May the Lord be with you.] Et cum spiritu tuo. Quid est, quod vis? [An with thy spirit. What is it, that you want?]
Iter! Claudite fenestras et portas! Nunc manus [Go! Close the windows and the doors! Now the hand] Dei punientis pestilentiam etiam [of God that is punishing has brought the Pestilence] Agentem apportavit! [to Agen!]
Domine, serva animos nostros... [Lord, guard our souls]
3. Heavenly Damnation
Suffering dementia Unchains the secret's bearer Unholy visions "God forgive me!" Are coming nearer - coming nearer, Amen!
Dementia slowly unlightens the mind And satan steals the morninglight
Domine [Lord]
Viju svet V notschi tumanoi [I see the light in the mist of night] Ne prognat mne prisrak strany [Can't banish the strange ghost] Svet Negasnusei svetschi [The light of ever-burning candle] Gorit, Gorit V notschi [Is burning, burning in the night] Svet Negasnusei svetschi [The light of ever-burning candle] Gorit, Gorit V notschi [Is burning, burning in the night]
So God has found him weeping And wrath flickered deep withing His eyes So thy shalt suffer As long ago the one's been crucified The keeper of the Lord's mark Is rising up with this ability Heavenly damnation So thou shalt trust the seer...
Svet Negasnusei svetschi [The light of ever-burning candle] Gorit, Gorit V notschi [Is burning, burning in the night]
4. The Final Victory
We are writing the year 1543 AD, the time the black plaque struck Agen, here Michael Nostradamus lived with his wife and two children. He confidently began to treat his fellow citizens, but - unfortunately - Was not able to save his family from his old enemy... This was also a time the holy cross was rising with unstoppable might Again, a trace of tears and blood covered the land
The final victory Has crushed the autumn silence The final victory Has crushed the autumn silence
Mortius, domine, lux perpetua luceat [For the dead, Lord, may eternal light shine] Mortius, domine, lux perpetua luceat [For the dead, Lord, may eternal light shine] Mortius, domine [For the dead, Lord.]
Viju svet v notschi tumanoi Ne prognat mne prisrak strany Svet Negasnusei svetschi Gorit, Gorit v notschi
So God has found him weeping And wrath flickered deep withing His eyes So thy shalt suffer As long ago the one's been crucified The keeper of the Lord's mark Is rising up with this ability Heavenly damnation So thou shalt trust the seer...
5. Saltorella La Manuelina
6. Awaking The Centuries
Awaking the Centuries
In the books of what will be Written by the demon lord? Never lift your head up to the east 'cause darkness wakes the best!
Der Kerzen Schein [The candles' light] Er leuchtet fahl [Is palely shining] Als das Sonnenlicht er stahl [When He stole the sunlight] Und nur das grosse Himmelszelt [And only the great sky's tent] Bezeugt das Ende dieser Welt [Is witness to the end of this world]
So feed the spark Welcome to the land of dark Death in all the centuries is what I left behind Take my hand Forgotten in the promised land Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
The knowledge, brought to the world Is growing with a bitter taste In a dream I saw things that will be Centuries away
Des Mondes Schein [The moon's glow] Er leuchtet fahl [Is palely shining] Das Herz der Finsternis er stahl [He stole the Heart of Darkness] Nun gleiЯend Lichte ihn umgibt [Now glistening light surrounds him] Und doch des Menschen Hoffnung siegt...? [And so Man's hope prevails?]
So feed the spark Welcome to the land of dark Death in all the centuries is what I left behind Take my hand Forgotten in the promised land Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
The night when evil steps out of the dark And the cross is rising again And fires are keeping the light Burn, my friend...
And the sign of humanity is burning tonight I can't escape from this ritual silence Humanity's burning tonight
When I open my eyes I see soldiers in the fields Dead bodies on the ground There are children inbetween Explosions shock the land And the evil shows its face The one called Hister rises This is the fall of grace...
Beast ferocious from hunger will swim across rivers The greater part of the region will be against the Hister The great one will cause it to be dragged in an iron cage When the German child will observe nothing
In the books of what will be Written by the demon lord? Never lift your head up to the east 'cause darkness wakes the best!
Der Kerzen Schein [The candle light] Er leuchtet fahl [Is palely shining] Als das Sonnenlicht er stahl [When He stole the sunlight] Und nur das grosse Himmelszelt [And only the great sky's tent] Bezeugt das Ende dieser Welt [Is witness to the end of this world]
So feed the spark Welcome to the land of dark Death in all the centuries is what I left behind Take my hand Forgotten in the promised land Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
The knowledge, brought to the world Is growing with a bitter taste In a dream I saw things that will be Centuries away
So feed the spark Welcome to the land of dark Death in all the centuries is what I left behind Take my hand Forgotten in the promised land
Death in all the centuries is what I left behind
And the sign of humanity is burning tonight I can't escape from this ritual silence Humanity's burning tonight
7. Statement Zur Lage Der Musica
[instrumental with spoken words in old German:]
Ich erzehl euch von den Trummen, man nenne yetz bey uns Tympanu als die
grossen Herbauken, von kupferen kessell gemacht und mir Kalbs fell ьber
zogen, daruff schlecht man mit Klьpfeln, das es ser laut und helle
tumelt. Under Fьrsten hцfe zu den felt trumeten, wan man zu tisch
plaset oder wan ein Fьrst in ein Stat ein reitet oder aufzeucht oder in
das Felt zeucht, das synd gar ungeheur rumpelfesser! Dise bauken
alle synd wie sye wellen sie machen vil onruwe en Erbern frummen alten
leuten, den Siechen und Kranken, den andechtigen in den clцstern, die
zu lesen, zu studieren und zu beten haben! Und ich glaub und halt
es fьr war der tьfel habe sie erdacht und gemacht, dann gantz kein
holtseligkeit noch guats daran ist sunder ein vertempfung und ein nyder
truckung all' sьss melodey und der gantzen Musica!
[translation to modern German:]
Ich erzдhl euch von den Trommeln! Man bezeichnet jetzt bei uns die
groЯen Heerpauken von Kupferkessel gemacht und mit Kalbsfell ьberzogen
als Timpanu. Darauf schlдgt man mit Knьppeln, dass es sehr laut und
helle klingt Und Fьrstenhцfe zu dem Feld trommeln wann es zu
Essen ist oder wann ein Fьrste in ein Stadt ein reitet oder aufzeucht
oder in das Feld zeucht. Das sind gar ungeheure Rumpelfдsser.
Diese Bauken sind alle wie eine Welle ???. Sie machen viel Unruhe den
дrmen fommen allten Leuten, den Siechen und Kranken, den Andдchtigen in
den Klцstern, die zu lesen, zu studieren und zu beten haben. Und
ich glaub - und ich halt es fьhr wahr - der teufel habe sie gemacht und
erdacht. Da kann ich nichts schцnes noch gutes daran finden, sondern
eine verteufelung und ein niedertrug aller sьssen Melodie und der
ganzen Musika!
[English translation:]
Wait! I
tell you of the drums! The large bass drums of copper boiler made and
with calf skin covered are now calles Tympanu in these lands. Whereupon
one strikes with clubs the fact that it does very very loud and
brighten and courts to the field when it's time for lunch or when
a prince rides towards a town or want's to leave or is leaving. That
are tremendous rumbling-kegs. This drums are like a wave ???.
They make much unrest for the poor, old people, the ill people and the
monks in the Monasterys, who have to study to read and to pray.
And I believe - and I say it is true - the devil it made and devised. I
can't find anything nice or good about it but a down-carrying of the
sweet melody and the whole Music!
8. In A Fullmoon Procession
As the evening breaks The night awakes And the land is mournfully wrapped in silence Sorrow last And remains the past cause this will be my ending day
Then the moonlight dies And torches rise See the crowd longing for the ritual burning Holy rhymes, as the churchbells chime cause this will be my ending day
Silent thief Take me away Let my soul rest in the realm of fairytales And as the fire enlightens the dark I see the face bewildered with guilt And nobody's speaking a word
As the dark night enters
See the soul that's coming out of darkness into light Pictures, I can't fight Appearing in front of my eyes Like silhouettes in the night
Like they give bread to the beggars They get ready for the feast Cruelty absorbed by their eyes Within this midwinters breeze
Silent thief Take me away Let my soul rest in the realm of fairytales And as the fire enlightens the dark I see the face bewildered with guilt And nobody's speaking a word
As the dark night enters As the dark night enters
9. Menuett
10. Prophecy Fulfilled
[Prophecy Fulfilled]
Out beneath the nightly sky Squat down on the ground His breath warms up the wintry air The truth hurts, that he found
He might be the chosen one The one, allowed to see God's eye for the human race That ends in misery
Nobody knows... That it is real, nobody knows... that it is real!
It's so powerful to foresee With divine astronomy The light inside the crystal soul Protecs me from the wintry coldness But a dark might is on the lead And thy scares start to bleed... again...
[And The Dark Night Entered]
And Michael Nostradamus began to wander through Europe for the next six years, where he first became aware the awakening of his prophetic powers
Divine astronomy...
So god has found him weeping And weath flickered deep withis his eyes For thy shalt suffer As long ago...
Sadness comes from deep inside There are so many shades of winter His breath warms up the wintry air Punishment to all the sinners
Dementia slowly unlightnes the mind...
So god had found him weeping And wrath flickered deep withis his eyes For thy shalt suffer As long ago...
Your wish shalt be denied... So do you hear the echoes of the ones that'll slowly die? Prophecy fulfilled And torture comes at midnight A dark sign's burning brighter than the light
So do you hear the echoes...?
Out beneath the nightly sky Squat down on the ground His breath warms up the wintry air The truth hurts, that he found
He might be the chosen one The one, allowed to see God's eye for the human race That ends in misery
Nobody knows... That it is real, nobody knows... that it is real!