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Elend 2003 "Winds Devouring Men"

1. The Poisonous Eye

We've waited so long
My starving eyes
Drunk to see

We've waited so long
Neither living nor dead

We could have died to see the world in bloom

Poisonous eye

The eyes of men, they withered in the sun
And reason enslaves us no longer

Yet vision is all that mathers
To a wayward traveller

Another dream... another dream is all we are longing for

In every shade, a fragment of light,
In every shape, every colour, the chasms of solitude

In the temple of truth, we were burning
And we saw the dim sun swallow the sky

Cast out by the scorn of men
In the desert of faces

Can we live without shame?
Can we die without pride?

Poisonous eye

All joy is gone

Seven eyes to see

All joy is gone

Seven eyes to bleed

2. Worn Out With Dreams

Don't tear apart your name
It hides you, and it heals the pain

Don't tear out your love, you can't depart from me
You'll stay away from harm

Abide bt me, when indecision strikes
Down there with me
Let me enfold you

I can't escape our frail embrace
I bend under the morning light
But I could scale the face of life

Mock me, mock me
If my voice is unsteady
I'm just worn out with dreams

Under your pale, sardonic sky
I am watching myself crawl
Down to me
Down with me
Onward a new path

Let me enfold you

We cannot escape our frail embrace
We bend under the morning light

3. Charis

Beauty dies of beauty
Love of love

In the fever of our waiting
We were decieved, without deceivers
Betrayed, without betrayers

A mirror waits for your face

And I have been awaiting you

4. Under War-Broken Trees

Skies visible
Under the seaside shadows
By the city, by the gates

Streets of sands/sadness strays

The war is over now
The pain is over now

Fair eyes still can't see
The healing time provides

Warless I could not see

Sous des cieux fades promesses
Des horizons hallucines
La terre nous etait desormais etrangere

Les flots brises
Le sillage ... un enclair
Terre, mer, cieux melanges ...
Seuls les vents hurlent a nos oreilles
Nos yeux francasses que le sang aveugle...
Sur une mer demontee, machine de colere

"watch over me"

Beyond the velvet veil of fear
A firmamant of grieves
A century of burning

We were tempted by a shade...
In war times, only
The shell lonliness is safe
But under war-broken trees,
Dreams come fast...

Dreams come when you are weary of the sun.

5. Away From Barren Stars

Worse than mourning
Disdain, dances at my side

Another wasted day
And shadows stained your silent face
Weary with passions
The sevenfold seas were young

Your sibilant eyes, bloodied with tears

I'll pray for you, I'll stay away from barren stars

The land is just an ocean of fear
And your love has vanished

6. Winds Devouring Men


7. Vision Is All That Matters

I became the great deciever
To see what fair eyes still can't see ...

A tear in every sea
A fragment of light exhausted

Vision, is all that matters
To a wayward traveller

Through centuries of burning
We have waited so long
Cloaked in a serpent's skin
From the portal, I was calling you

You lay me, in the dust of the dead

A swan in agony

8. The Newborn Sailor

At night we were drowning
Mesmerized by your songs
We were lured
Into the maze of your love

When the drop of life bursts
An ocean of joy
And freedom for the newborn sailor

Through aeons of time
Our eyes were smothered by the sun
Now even in the dark we see ...
Wanton light steers us no more
Eyeless we sailed

When the drop of life bursts
An ocean of joy
And freedom for the newborn sailor

9. The Plain Masks Of Daylight

The night shade
A dark colonnade

The cypress, then the shore...
I sought comfort in the foam
The wind heals the pain
A pale november rises
You know how the days gone by
Even night sought shelter
Under the plain masks of daylight

Bitterness we wait...
We ate the fruits of rainy hours

As ulysses looking seaward
We mocked our innermost abodes
We sailed on older seas
And reached the bounds of deepest water

A wreckage in the rain

But the wind heals the pain

10. A Staggering Moon

Amidst the streams of the river
The flow
Was achanging
And autumn rain unfolded its charm

With the thorns of absence
So sweet to your skin
In the dusty veils of morning
You had forgiven all bearing

The land blessed the manifold
Faces of your love
The garden
Lies asleep
The grave unclouded
And we dance about a fallen sun

Night-moths on her wings...
A staggering moon

11. Silent Slumber: A God That Breeds Pestilence


Теги: Elend, лирика

Категория: E | Добавил: Dark-Ness (12.05.2009)
Просмотров: 513 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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