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Darkthrone 2004 "Sardonic Wrath"

1. Order Of The Ominous


2. Information Wants To Be Syndicated

Three inch health
Population copulation
Twice bitten
Lay down the law

It's great to see...
I've become what you hate
I grow
Information wants to be syndicated

Blame unintentionalism
Scared of pride
Hate what you don't understand
(I am) laughing all the way to the grave

It's great to see...
I've become what you hate
I grow
Information wants to be syndicated

Ill Informed
Comfortably dumb
Easily formed

Hail fuckin' darkness

3. Sjakk Matt Jesu Krist

Skadefro selvmordstanker
fra et liv på stengrunn
Konkav agenda

Hammerslag på hammerslag
Sjakk matt Jesu Krist
Hammerslag på hammerslag
Sjakk matt Jesu Krist

Enkleste vein ut
Sørgmodighetens evakuering
Ubrukelige blodpenger
Sjelens vrakpant


Hammerslag på hammerslag
Sjakk matt Jesu Krist
Hammerslag på hammerslag
Sjakk matt Jesu Krist

4. Straightening Sharks In Heaven

It would take a world of executioners
to see the need of henchmen in everyday life
(the) credibility of the meek
Stained with the juice of frustrated priests

What you don't feel will hurt (you) in hell
I'm straightening sharks in heaven
What you don't feel will hurt (you) in hell
We're straightening sharks in heaven

(when) All you take for granted is fake
And all the angles are on the take
Fear the silent majority
When you hate, God can't see you

The sins you don't feel will hurt (you) in hell
I'm straightening sharks in heaven
What you don't feel will hurt (you) in hell
We're straightening sharks in heaven

5. Alle Gegen Alle

Demented anemic minions
Fuelled on crack propaganda
It's allright to love yourself
If you hate yourself

Alle gegen alle
Extract magic
Inflict havoc

Iconize yourself
Become a statue
So easily crushed
Watching the spoon glow

Alle gegen alle
Extract magic
Inflict havoc

Slay the dormant
stonesucking leech
Sing along to the bombs

6. Man Tenker Sitt

Man tenker sitt...
Når tro ranker
Inkrøkt i seg selv
Kun klaustrofobi(en) er en redning

Man tenker sitt
Nag hammadi
Man tenker sitt
Avstemte skjebner

Stoisme på flatmark-
Bryt koden og kjenn (uhildet) smerte
Gjennomsyret av vrangsinn
(Dette) hamres inn i ondskapens kantstener

Man tenker sitt
Nag hammadi
Man tenker sitt
Avskrevne muligheter

7. Sacrificing To The God Of Doubt

The road is paved while we walk it
To the place where we pay for the sins
we have no yet paid for in life
Sacrificing to the God of doubt

Fuck hope
My empty stare just might make you
want to think twice

(more damage than) Misinformed philantropers
It's those christian thieves
Even the narrow path leads to Rome
Sacrificing to the God of doubt

Stray pulse
My empty stare just might make you
want to think twice

8. Hate Is The Law

Severed seven arms
Vienna 1683
Elitness opprør
i takt mot avgrunnen

Orient- silent majority

Forflatet tro-
tvil i mente
Sprengkald agenda
bak mitt kyniske forsvarsspill

Orient- silent majority

Sveket av Jesus
Forvirret Satan
-står de utydelige liv
som saltstøtter i kokende hav

9. Rawness Obsolete


Теги: Darkthrone

Категория: D | Добавил: Dark-Ness (12.05.2009)
Просмотров: 413 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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