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Darkthrone 2001 "Plaguewielder"

1. Weakling Avenger

Weakling avenger
on grains of drain
wielding ultimate death

Bombastic necrohell
Seeping in bitterly
Masked beast temporarily
revealing sick fear

Templates broken
Membranes burst
Sordid spilling wound
Spineless locust embrace

Infertile foggy renderings
Sucked into the sorrowhole
Brutally avenging nothing

2. Raining Murder

Hung out to dry
Liquid rites engulf
Eaten alive
Again and again

It's raining murder here
and the caves are cold
I curse the skies
while the ground slides away

Sinking nowhere fast
Scorching upstream road
The chisel melts
And darkness falls forever

Too many words
fighting backwards
Suicide, down the hatch
This one's for the dog fight

3. Sin Origin

Forward into this battle
that no one can win
Labyrinth trench on torn land
Sin origin, sin driven

I am of pride and contempt
A crossfire volunteer
Laughing while my world get trampled
Life is just a shadow of death

Absurd hopeless rivalry
Ubertragic trinity
the damned one, swan and sunray
Sick engine; the piston hammers away...

Unthankful future
stands frozen in the biting winter sun
crying as reality falls numb
Entertaining Satan on a wet electric stage

4. Command

Barbwired empty dreams
Existence is futile
Down deeper down
Rock bottom reality

Avoiding edges
Still drawn to death
Removing arsenic
Injecting strychnine

Sedated wound eternal
Static command factor
On course to pitfall
Nothing amounts to nothing

Avoiding the edges
Still drawn to strychnine
Removing arsenic
Injecting death


5. I, Voidhanger

Dreary bitter soulsets
Life runs painfully gray down the walls of time
Clenching onto the void
Laming intense shivering terror

Evilution of the mind
Severe plunging lightning
Cracking, trembling, reeling
The world left behind

(the) Beast hovering greedily
Waiting (insanely) to do me in
Struggling exhausted to the cold paramounts
Sliding down the razorblade of life

Evilution of the mind
Severe plunging lightning
Cracking, trembling, reeling
The world leaves you blind

6. Wreak

Muscledistracting sicksphere
Lacerate, damage, wreak
Disintegrating lifeblood
Colliding spikes, unlife

Labyrinth contagious
The world means nothing now
Immer, always blasphemous
Scepter raised in fucken fury

Suicidal winning streak
Decisions held by steel fists
The frames constantly slipping
With repent the Reaper reaps...

Labyrinth contagious
The world means nothing now
Immer, always blasphemous
Scepter raised in hazy bloodrush

Теги: Darkthrone

Категория: D | Добавил: Dark-Ness (12.05.2009)
Просмотров: 423 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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