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Corpus Christii 2005 "The Torment Continues"

1. Crimson Hour

I lied in pain, in a dying state and unrest My life trying to escape me,
My body begging... for death
I took that long blade and took a deep breath
I then sliced myself from my hip to my chest
This is the very end of my cries None shall mourn for my demise This is the end and I shall not rise My death is approaching with surmise
I will die with a smile upon my face Awaiting the glory of death's embrace This life is nothing more than a mistake This life I regret with a most raging blaze
I closed my eyes and let it take me away
I'm dislocated from my horrors and pain
I felt death come and give me an embrace
And then I accepted my death and accepted my fate
I lied there dying and bleeding in my bed
My life escaping me and so close to death
I licked the blood from the blade that stole my last breath
And I died with no pain... ...and no regret

2. The Ascendance

Broken bones protrude through my flesh, as blood soaks my skin
With every breath I die a little more
As life drips from my wounds death consumes me in all its glory,
And coldly invites me in
I cannot see any longer, I cannot taste, I know I shall be ash soon
Torturing myself in my private hell, I fear pain no more
Cutting myself to the bone,
I feel pleasure through my affliction I desire to hurt others,
So I won't have to feel anymore
I long to make others feel the pain that is my addiction
Melting flesh rotting from my bones, I can rest at last
I have hundreds of corpses rotting around me
My throat is closing up and my life should now be past
Forsaken, I will not rest alone in misery

3. My Eyes, Empty

The blood that runs through my veins is rotten and hollow
My suffering is the only thing that drives my lifeless body
I witness my old life fading away, decaying in the dust of time
No one will come to save me, no mercy will I ever know
My eyes bleed sorrow, my heart seeps blackened decay
I am dying more every day, every painful second of this cursed life
I wait for the darkness to consume me in it's essence
My only hope for salvation -
I cannot bare another moment of this pain
Writhing in the sickness of the world, the vermin and ailments that bleed forth
I do not wish for a better tomorrow - I wish for the death of me

4. Soaked In Your Blood

I have no restraint, not a shred of sympathy
This blood that runs through my veins is cold with hatred Sorrow is long behind me,
I feel nothing
Drunken on pure disgust for humanity and all of its flaws
Not a worthy face in the streets of slums
Not a worthy name to roam this century
I vow to kill them all in utter disregard
Blanketing them with my corruption
I have no hope for this scum we call ~ humanity
I have no sense of love or empathy Petty feelings are long behind me in a pile of dust
The blood that covers the land around me, the bodies I have killed out of lust
The empire has long fallen, dead with its ancient ways
I have nothing good left inside of me
I want to see them all slaughtered like the cheap meat they are
I want to see them all tortured for centuries

5. Bitter Blood

I raped the souls of the pure & holy
I embrace their cries so melancholy
I stand before a dying civilization
As I gazed upon pure desolation
Standing upon crumbled dreams, I thought
Wondering if only sooner I could have made this world rot
Kneeling down to the distorted faces of beasts so vile
I licked the blood from the cunt of humanity defiled!
A sense of euphoria enshrouded me I embraced my tears of strife so melancholy
I stood to my feet & let a river of blood take me away
Leaving the endless bodies in slaughtered disarray
I kneel before my master, I have served him well indeed
I took a last breath and my mortality withers into nothing
Endless drops of blood anoint me I embraced the ecstasy so melancholy

6. Lifetime Of Suffering

My burden is more than I can bare
This suffering has stripped me to the bone
Shacking in utter pain, at death I have stared
My aching soul can't ache anymore
The countless years I have lived have brought me nothing
The only gift I have ever received is a lifetime of suffering
I cannot let another day pass to torture me further
I slit my throat with broken fervor
The weight of my pain could collapse me
This deadening depression eats me whole
Pulsating agony has forever trapped me
My soul just can't take it anymore
The driving minutes pass so slowly with dread
The only comfort of mine is the surrounding death
I just can't bare my burden any longer
I just can't conjure the will to be stronger
My burden is more than I can bare
This suffering has stripped me to the bone
Shaking in utter pain, at death I have stared
My aching soul just can't ache anymore...

Теги: Corpus Christii

Категория: C | Добавил: Dark-Ness (05.05.2009)
Просмотров: 373 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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