Kaos på SATANS slagmark Hellig Jord Badet I blod... Eimen av slakta spedbarn Kristen død og Kristenmanns blod
Di Åpner porten i natt.. til HELVETE!!! En ny åpenbaring i Dyrets tegn Evig hat og evig mørke Forferdelse og evig pinsler Skapt av ondskap og tidløst hat Dommedags Eld og (en) djevelsk død Alt Liv skal knuses i kampen MOT GUD med beina godt plantet i HELVETEEE!!!!!!
"Tror ikke på noen gud, ingen GUD!!! Kvalme og Forakt i Kristen drakt... Dommedag... Golgatha blir nostalgi, Jesus profeterte pedofili.." Slakt alt Hellig, Drep alt jordlig liv... Lev i skitten Synd, Dø i evig skam!! Brenn Guds hus, Død over Guds barn TA DITT EGET LIV!!!! TA DITT EGET LIV!!!!
Vi Åpner porten til HELVETE!!!
Meld deg skyldig i løgn og hykleri Gammal tidløs misantropi Jesus elsket korset, er min teori (for helvete)
EVIG HAT!!! HAT!!! (Repeat, og ta ditt eget liv)
2. The Frostbitten Woodlands Of Norway
[Music: Tehort, Lyrics: Nattefrost]
From the ice-cold Norwegian Hills From the silver mountain And from My world I consider you Dead I am born of Evil and Sin And I always walked unholy paths That you never seen or heard of ...And I must fight the endless battle ALONE
You Freeze to death.. In morning mist.. Great vast landscapes, Frostbitten woodlands... Frozen thunder, Hellish blizzard storms Here snow will always fall... Black majestic Winter Magic The evil frozen Moonlit Nights
Here exist NO fucking life! This is MY pandemonium!!! The Unholy North The Cold grip of Frost... of Frost!!!!
Screams from tormented souls Echoes in these towering mountains The burning Pain is meant to last... The direction of cold winds brings the putrid smell of Death... All Heretics and Devils stand up and rides towards the Unholy Death...
Inhuman Coldness, Hellish winds Black demons of the past Norwegian Winter Hell... Violent Battlecries, Perverted deathnoise Victorious echoes of War, Death and Despair... Candle life of own blood, and Heathen Heritage..
3. Start Up The Incinerator (Here Comes Another Useless Fool)
[Music Tehort, Lyrics Nattefrost]
Start it up...... I got a desperate urge to Slaughter I have a sickening need to torture I am born of SATAN and SIN
Everyday, I eat the fucking apple of EDEN..
All for the Glory of Him!! All for the Glory of HELL!!!!! Start it up (Din Gjøk) !!!!!!!!!!
4. Submit To Satan!!!
[Music: Nattefrost, Lyrics: Nattefrost]
I embrace the cold Death.. With the burning Blade of Evil The warm Blood on my hands THE PENTAGRAM!!!!! The trembling in your Christian knees Liar, Weak is the Nature of Man.. What the hell are you waiting for???? Submit to SATAN!! Cut the flesh (and) submit to Death!! Whip and burn your skin The Hellfire will burn deep within Come Sodomy, Satan and Sin... KILL GODDAMMIT, Let the war Begin!! Priests and prophets and the gospel of lies.. The Heaven shall burn, all humanity Dies.. I sin, I sodomize, I slaughter, I sacrifice!!! SUBMIT!!!! Submit to SATAN!! Pervert you useless soul My inner destruction demons Hold high the black Inverted Cross!!! Forever submit to SATAN!!! SUBMIT!!!! Submit to SATAN!!!! Embrace the cold grim Death The burning blade of evil The warm blood on my hands Hold high the black Inverted Cross!!! Submit to SATAN!!!! SUBMIT!!!!
5. Diabolism (The Seed And The Sower)
[Music: Tehort, Lyrics: Nattefrost]
Set the World ablaze!! KILL FOR SATAN!!!! Blood must be shed Again and again Sin after Sin!!! Holt monumental Goat-Throne Universal furnice... The triumphant flame of SATAN!!! DIABOLISM..
6. Dypfryst / Dette Er Mit Helvete
[Music: Bloodpervertor, Lyrics: Nattefrost]
Til Helvete... Livet har ingen mening Et live er intet verd.. Dypfryst sjel, en siste ferd Gjennom norsk grim skog, Over nakent fjell.. Når en konge skall Dø Og blått blod blir til is!!! En ny NORSK hedensk høytid, Når mitt liv skal gis... dette er mitt HELVETE...
7. Everyday I Must Suffer!
[Music: Tehort, Lyrics: Nattefrost]
Unholy blood has been offered (and) again I tap my Vein My blood is eternally yours I will give my life to you!!! Everyday I must SUFFER FUCK OFF and let me bleed... "..I laugh and spit at your mortality Because I know there is NO heaven.." As Violent Hellstorm returns The cold Winds of Madness from the Dark human Abyss Kill all meaningless Icons.. (Be) Condemned to Hell..
8. The First Cut Is The Deepest
[Music: Nattefrost, Lyrics: Nattefrost]
Step forth to the Devils Warfield And see His world through possessed Satanic eyes... I am the enemy of God!!!! And the purest fire burns within.. A hunger for Death!!! The world Abyss!!!!!! You live like filth under your false Judea God... The first CUT...... A man-made Black Messiah!!!
9. Evil Egocentrical Existencialism
[Music: Tehort, Lyrics: Nattefrost]
I vomit on your compassion Cause, there is NO salvation This is MAXIMUM fucking HELL!!!!! ..(and) Time has showed NO mercy on me... Understandable, I feel the cold, I feel the Hatred.. In the vast songs of your meaningless death... (Din Tulling) (And) time has showed NO mercy on me... (for Faen) Let us ALL Burn!!
I'm going down... ... .
10. Shut Up, There's No Excuse To Live
[Music: Bloodpervertor, Lyrics: Nattefrost]
Come chaos, come death Like a wolf, he is the hunter Like an owl, belongs to the night Like a serpent, his bite is deadly Like a cunt, waiting to be fucked
waiting to be fucked like a cunt waiting to be fucked
Like a blade, it makes you bleed Like a bullet, it's meant to kill. Like a war, he is majestic Like a metal, I will stand, stand supreme. I stand supreme! Like a metal I stand supreme.