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Acheron 1992 "Satanic Victory"

1. Unholy Praises

"Oh lord of darkness, we entreat you,
that you receive and accept this
sacrifice, which we offer you.
For we bear your mark and wish for you
to fulfill our desires and destroy our enemies"

Oh lord of darkness we entreat you
Accept the sacrifice on this unholy night
By your mark you make us prosper

Under thy protection all is done

In unholy fellowship we praise and honor thee
Lucifer, beelzebub, belial,
Leviathan, asmodeus, and abbadon

We call upon the mighty names
Of asgaroth, nergal and behemoth
And the nameless forms of hell
Strengthen us in mind, body and will

2. Seven Deadly Sins

Lucifer give me pride for all I do
Mammon makes my greed as powerful as you
Asmodeus grant me sexual gratification
Satan let my anger show it's great sensation
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
Beelzebub indulge me in gluttony
Leviathan let me posess what I envy
Belphegor turn slavery into sloth
Prase the dark ones of fill the world's wrath
Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins

3. Satanic Erotica

Welcome to the lust inside my sinfull mind
I'll show you things you never thought could be real
Remove you clothes and don't be afraid
Soon extasy will flow throughout you naked body
Lay on the ground upon the Baphomet
Open your legs and feel the exctent of your desires
I taste your treasures and you teate mine
Now it's time for you to taste the pleasures of......
Satanic Erotica
My rod is thrust as your body starts to shake
As the smell of incense fills the room
The nectar I inject is a gift from Lucifer
It gives me power to cast my spell

4. Prayer Of Hell

"Followers of satan,
all rise and give the sign of the horns.
We now pay homage to the lord and the master.
Let us pray."

Our father, who art in hell,
Hollowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
On earth as it is in hell.

We take this night our rightful due
And trespass not on path of pain.

Lead us into temptation and
Deliver us from false piety.

For thine is the kingdom,
Of power and glory forever.

We shall praise your unholy name.
Satan shall emerge again!


5. 666

Misguided ones open your minds
Leave the past behind
Take the powers from beyond
And accept the sacred bond
Feel a surge pierse your soul
Try and grasp what christ stole
Recieve the mark from Styx
The symbol is 666
Serve in heaven or rule in Hell
Which is batter can you tell
Live in black, curse the night
Rebuke the night, nail the night

6. God Is Dead

Homage now has been made to the Lord of fire
Whorship of the chosen one not the christ the liar
Baptised in the flames of Hell to recieve the seal
Unholy blessings are recieved from the sacred rites
Soldiers unto Lucofer perform their evil pleights
Rejecting Heaven's lies to accept the truth
God's blood being spilled for immortal truth
God is dead

Теги: лирика, Acheron

Категория: A | Добавил: Dark-Ness (21.04.2009)
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