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Acheron 1989 "Messe Noir"

1. Intro

2. Prayer of Hell

Our father, who art in hell,
Hollowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, thy will be done
On earth as it is in hell.
We take this night our rightful due
And trespass not on path of pain.
Lead us into temptation and
Deliver us from false piety.
For thine is the kingdom,
Of power and glory forever.
We shall praise your unholy name.
Satan shall emerge again!


3. As Thou Wilt

[no lyrics found yet]

4. Midnight Offering

[no lyrics found yet]

5. Alla Xul

A haunting feeling comes throughout a darkened room
The air turns thick at this ritual of doom
Candles start to flicker as the image now appears
Alla Xul's presence, the master of all fears

Enlightened by its sight, I now feel hypnotized
Within a realm of darkness, I see two glowing eyes
Bowing down before it to feel its might stare
Manifested power given by the necro-prayer

It speaks the ancient tongues
Embraced by power
Spawn of the abyss
Invoked this night
Sumerian evil god
Grants all desires


[no lyrics found yet]

6. So It Is Done

[no lyrics found yet]

Теги: лирика, Acheron

Категория: A | Добавил: Dark-Ness (21.04.2009)
Просмотров: 379 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0 |

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